Thèmes de recherche :
Probabilités, et en particulier, Milieux aléatoires, Marches aléatoires en milieux aléatoires, Marche de Sinai,
Diffusions dans des potentiels aléatoires, Processus de branchement en
milieu aléatoire.
Prépublication : Annealed local limit theorem for Sinai's random walk in random environment.
Preprint arXiv:2309.13020, 82 pages, 9 figures :
Publications :
(avec Nina Gantert et Françoise Pène) Arbitrary many walkers meet infinitely often in a subballistic random environment.
Electronic Journal of Probability 24, no. 100 (2019), 1--25
arXiVArticle 9. (avec Nina Gantert et Françoise Pène) Collisions of several walkers in recurrent random environments.
Electronic Journal of Probability 23,
no. 90 (2018), 1--34
HALArticle 8. (avec Frank Aurzada, Nadine Guillotin-Plantard et Françoise Pène) Random walks and branching processes in correlated Gaussian environment. Journal of Statistical Physics166, no 1, (2017), 1-23 arXivArticle 7. (avec Pierre Andreoletti et Grégoire Véchambre) Renewal structure and local time for diffusions in random environment. ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat.13 (2016), 863-923
arXivArticle 6. Maximum of the local time of a diffusion in a drifted Brownian potential.
Séminaire de ProbabilitésXLVIII, 123-177.
Lecture Notes in Math., 2168, Springer (2016)
5. Persistence of some additive functionals of Sinai's walk. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré - Probabilités et Statistiques52 (2016), No. 3, 1076-1105
ArticlearXiv 4. (avec Pierre Andreoletti) Localization and number of visited valleys for a transient diffusion in random environment. Electronic Journal of Probability20 (2015), no 56, 1-58 Article 3. (avec Françoise Pène) Random walk in random environment in a two-dimensional stratified medium with orientations. Electronic Journal of Probability18 (2013), no. 18, 1-23 Article 2. The speed of a branching system of random walks in random environment. Statistics and Probability Letters77, 1712-1721 (2007)HALArticle 1. Some properties of the rate function of quenched large deviations for random walks in random environment. Markov Processes and Related Fields, 12, 27-42 (2006) arXiv *. Almost sure asymptotics for a diffusion process in a drifted Brownian potential. This preprint arXiv:math/0511053has been merged with [6].
Doctorat : Etude de certains phénomènes en milieux aléatoires. Thèse de doctorat, sous la direction de
Zhan Shi, novembre 2005. pspdf